Bongoville IV
I wrote this after Bongoville III, it’s a smallish crime story about a mysterious party. Cute, nothing dramatic. Art unchanged. Introduction of a new character, Harelock Holmes.
I wrote this after Bongoville III, it’s a smallish crime story about a mysterious party. Cute, nothing dramatic. Art unchanged. Introduction of a new character, Harelock Holmes.
This is a proper big story. Think 80s action flick set in Central America, with killer robots and russkies trying to take out our intrepid group of heroes. Real cinema. The art is still real rough to look at.
My second foray into comics. Provides the backstory to the whole Bongoville universe. Short. Art remains crappy, though. Basically aliens came to earth in 1968, and Jimi Hendrix became president.
This was my first comic, published in 2017. The idea was to create a light-hearted IP set in alternate-universe New York. A boomer wizard is the main protagonist.
I spray-painted a Dragon Tree on an oil drum, in Gran Canaria. Using tape to create the silhouette. Fun times. Nice island. Hope they didn’t build the highway around the island after all.
A painting of a tear gas grenade on the wall of a room in the Ramallah hostel. That’s a poem by Rumi written next to it. We got gassed by the IDF the day before, so I thought this was a fitting motive. It happened at the infamous Friday Protest, and one of the canadian guests even got jailed. Fun times!
Mural of impressions of Ramallah, painted on the wall outside a hostel in Ramallah. The guys who own it are really good cooks, I hope you check them out! Fantastic food. The title is an anagram of Palestine.
Mural I did in the al-Bireh refugee camp in Ramallah, Palestine. The artist living nearby liked to paint fish, so I figured I paint fish as well? Not sure how he felt about that. But it doesn’t look too bad.