Temple Mount Cat
Cat on the Olive Mount in Jerusalem. I guess I called it ‘Temple Mount Cat’ because it sounds cooler. But actually this kitty was crawling up an olive tree on top of the other Mount. Nice scene. Afternoon light. Serene.
Cat on the Olive Mount in Jerusalem. I guess I called it ‘Temple Mount Cat’ because it sounds cooler. But actually this kitty was crawling up an olive tree on top of the other Mount. Nice scene. Afternoon light. Serene.
This is based off a photograph I took in Jerusalem in 2014. People holding a funeral service at the graveyard near the Olive Mount. The text is some poem I wrote on the fly. When I painted it. See below for translation.
Mural I did of some cows at the dairy farm on Kibbutz Samar, Israel. Middle of the Arava desert. Hot. Sun beating down. But the artistic spirit persevered! I hope the cows enjoy it as much as I did creating it.